Visual Identity

Visual Identity
What I do:
  • Logo design
  • Visual identity design
  • Digital style guide and design manual
  • Animation guides
  • Art direction
  • Assets packages for social media
It's everywhere. And it's alive. In the digital age the visual identity of your brand is much more than just your logo.

It's the fonts, the colors, the extra elements. How it moves, transitions, and comes alive. It's the idea and the sensibility that meet your customer.

In social media apps, on your the website, in emails and on the web beyond it.


It starts with finding that single, simple idea, that tells us just enough about your brand and leaves the viewer wanting to learn more. It's strategically grounded, recognizable, and speaks directly to your customer base.

From that, we can create creating shapes and colors, define the fonts, and any extra elements. We can establish ideas for photos and illustrations, movement and animation, and even consider sound design to allow us to play with even more senses establishing the connection between your brand and your customers.

It's about finding out what works well within the current landscape of media and platforms, what plays together, and what supports the initial idea: An identity, that makes everything come together, welcomes the viewer and allows them to explore a deeper connection.


Depending on the specific needs, the hand-over can be a digital interactive guide, a PDF, a package with the needed files, or a Figma project to continue the work. And it can act as the first step in further collaboration about webdesign and implementation or product design.

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