Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy
What I do:
  • Digital strategy advisory
  • Information architecture
  • Communications plans
  • Platforms and tools analysis
  • Competition analysis
  • Marketing and growth strategy
Where does it all start? Whether you have a startup, a small business or a well established company with proven value, you need a strategy to take the next step.

Your strategy should be derived from the company purpose and vision, in line with your goals, and doable within reason. Are we doing marketing looking to grow leads? Are we building awareness or positioning our brand? Or are we establishing a new business online, maybe a marketplace or a Saas product?

With a strategy, we can choose our tools and platforms, and with that, we can design and build the flows, functionality, and content that meet the users in the end. Or, should we say, at the beginning, because that's really where the business starts: With someone picking up on what you offer, trusting your service or product, and choosing to engage with your company.

With more than 25 years of experience with digital design and building businesses and communities online. I'm skilled in future scenario thinking and aligning an understanding of emergent technologies with the tasks at hand. Knowing fads from fabulous, and thinking strategically for the long term. Or the short, if that's what the case calls for.

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